Defining the truth …. sometimes … so, so annoying and depressive … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Defining the truth …. sometimes … so, so annoying and depressive … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I recently met a guy that even if he was in what could be defined as the perfect love story … he used to say … on and on and on … that all he was living was just … an illusion.

Well …. I have moments in life when i have the guts to define the truth too … but my question was … is all what this guy use to say … true or he was having just a stupid negative perception about his reality?!

And how the hell … something that looks perfect … could be defined as … illusory?!

I was looking at him … at his way of explaining me all what going on … and analyzing his emotions … i’ve realized … he was maybe …. right.

All what he was saying … looked so … depressive… but … maybe it was … not …

He was keep explaining me … on and on and on … his feelings … and his vision about the present moment …. which looked perfect and into the same time … so, so illusory … that i’ve even became … a little bit … annoyed … listening to him.


I started to ask myself … if i am … in fact … in front of a depressive person …. or .. of a guy that trying to define the paths of his life he realized that his perfect script is just … illusory.

He was indeed in front of a nonsense … but i was keep wondering myself … if he is crazy … or actually a guy … seeing beyond reality.

I was listening…. contradictory perceptions about the same scenario … defined into a negative, but also a positive way.

It was actually a speech … about the duality … of life …. and this guy was more a thinker that analyzing too much his life …. he understood that all what is going on … it’s illusory.

But … he was living into the real life.

He had moments … of enjoying that life.

… and he also had moments of loneliness … when he felt himself trapped…. into an illusion.

I will not bother to write about his arguments… which were very good and also clear … for both scenarios … but … somehow realized it was annoying to listen to … all what was going on ….

I decided to … stamp this guy …. as a person obsessed of the duality of life … and actually as an opener of perceptions … for myself also.

Most probably i had … my own illusory perfect stories … but being afraid of defining into the same time a moment as perfect … but also as illusory … i could not live a life as this … thinker … i am talking about.

I preferred to live … running away of … depressive perceptions.


… i simple accepted to be ignorant …. than being annoyed of contradictory…

And … i even started to …. dislike this guy … which revealed me that … i might one day be in the position of defining … the real truth … about my life.


Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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